Aside from all this spending, having your offer agreed unfortunately means very little on that first day. Boundary issues, missing deeds, that credit card payment you missed 7 months ago… These issues can often rear their ugly heads over the next 3 months and you squirm every time you hear the phone ring because it’s going to be one of three people who rarely bring good news at this point – your solicitor, your mortgage advisor and your estate agent.
I have been a first time buyer myself. Most of us over 30’s have. I could not have more empathy for the stress and sleepless nights a first time buyer will no doubt endure. I remember sunbathing by a pool in Barcelona on the phone to an estate agent racking up an extortionate phone bill trying to resolve the issues surrounding what I had quickly started calling ‘my wee house’. I was agreed the house in June and didn’t get the keys until February and I honestly thought about pulling the plug dozens of times. I viewed about 12 more houses that summer and although none matched up to my wee house, it seemed I may have no choice. I was a hot mess, no-one who crossed my path didn’t get an earful about it.
I feel that experience qualified me more for dealing with first time buyers than 3 years at uni ever could. I get it. Its hard work. But hold tight – nothing beats the feeling of walking into your first wee home that you have paid for, walking on the cheapest carpet Johnny in smallcost could sell , ‘Johnny is that really the best you can do, I’m skint’ and drinking coffee in the morning from your 50p IKEA mug.
First time buyers, it’s all worth it.